
Generator Backup Power when Disaster Strikes

Keep your Refrigerator, Cell Phone, and Computer Charged during a Power Outage

Most power outages last only 72 hours, but that is enough time for the food in your refrigerator to spoil, your cell phone to die, and your computer to loose power. A backup generator can ensure you have power to keep your refrigerator, cell phone, and computer up and running during that time.

Losing power is not just inconvenient, it can be life threatening. Babies need their milk to be kept fresh. Children need fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, and other life-giving foods to be refrigerated before they are consumed. Cell phones enable us to contact emergency providers for help. With so many working from home, computers are not just for entertainment anymore, they are essential to get our work done to collect a pay check to pay the bills. All depend on reliable power.

For this and many other reasons, you need a generator to make sure you have backup power when electricity is down due to a snow storm, a flood, a thunder storm, a car hitting an electric pole, a fire, a hurricane, an electric strike, wind damage to electrical lines, power grid problems and for any number of disasters that are part of daily life. I recommend one that is portable, safe, silent, and fume free like a solar generator.