The Rule of 3’s
You can live:
3 minutes without air
3 hours without shelter
3 days without water
3 weeks without food
And 3 days without trucks delivering you fresh food
The survival rule of 3's is a set of guidelines that can help you prioritize your needs in a survival situation. These time frames are approximate and can vary depending on individual circumstances. The rule of 3's is a great way to remember the order of importance for your survival needs: breathing, shelter, water, food, and others.
In addition to these basic rules, some variations include:
3 seconds without hope
3 months without love
These additions emphasize the importance of mental and emotional well-being in a survival situation.
American Truckers are the Reason We Enjoy an American Civilization
I live off U.S. Interstate 81 near Martinsburg, West Virginia.
American truckers traverse this major inland artery 365/24/7 delivering food, water, fuel, building materials, tires, toilet paper, medical equipment, medicines, military equipment, and all manner of goods that make life possible and prosperous in New York City, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and other large American cities.
When I was doing supply line analysis, videos, and studies during the plandemic, it was immediately clear that to me that without the American Truckers, American Civilization grinds to a halt quickly. Why? Because our entire economy depends on Just in Time production and delivery.
Consumers are long accustomed to getting whatever they want when they want it. The frenetic intemperance of having everything instantly and effortlessly defines consumer society. Manufacturers accommodate the immediate expectations by organizing seamless supply lines using American Truckers so that you get everything delivered to your stores just in time.
But only if truckers get it to you. Now do you see your dependency?
My wife’s family grows apples, peaches, plums, cherries, potatoes, corn and other products as the 1% of Americans who farm and enable you and the other 99% of Americans to eat.
American Truckers are the most vital link in the supply line chain that makes sure your three day supply of food gets to your grocery, big box, and convenience stores. Same with fuel for your cars and homes. Same with the medicines that treat your urban illnesses. They alone ensure you get what you need.
The situation is made worse by consumers unaccustomed to being told no. There is raging demand but little desire to sacrifice. Now there are few local alternatives to replace the distant suppliers who truck your goods to you daily.
Unlike the 1930’s when the majority of Americans were moral, there will be serious riots in major American cities if their grocery shelves are empty, the gas stations have no gas, the liquor stores have no wine, beer, or spirits, and the pharmacies have no drugs. You won’t even have toilet paper to wipe your pampered asses.
And only the American trucker can provide those daily necessities.
Who Are these Courageous, Valiant, and Victorious American Truckers
Get to know them better. Here are a few links to their voices. Read more about them by doing a search on X and reading their posts.
Law of Unintended Consequences
The delicate choreography of getting everything where it needs to go for New York City is now disjointed. As I am writing this, the just-in-time inventory and production processes that govern manufacturing, shipping, and delivery that support and are in New York City are breaking down because no one has backup inventories.
The unspoken problem with “global” networks is the danger of the Law of Unintended Consequences. The more complex the systems, the more unpredictable life becomes. The number of possible unintended consequences is a force multiplier, and even advanced technology cannot cover for this risk.
What the decadent, smug, urban New York City elite considers a minor event, a corrupt, incompetent, and immoral New York City judge issuing a half a billion “fine” on the Trump organization to bankrupt it so Donald Trump is forced to leave the race for the American presidency, will now have catastrophic consequences due to the Law of Unintended Consequences.
You think you finally crushed Donald J. Trump. But what the American Truckers are teaching you is how fragile your elite lives are in highly vulnerable cities that depend on rural Americans for your basic survival each day.
Ask yourselves this question. How long are those hundreds of thousands of low IQ, no income, criminal “migrants” you have invited in to New York City and the native criminals going to remain peaceful when they don’t have food three days in a row? As it is, they are refusing fast food, demanding expensive gourmet meals, and you are stupid enough to give into their insane demands.
One of the many unintended consequences of your illegality and immorality is that the average American truck driver has had enough of your stupidity and tyranny. He is now going to educate you smug, urban elite ne'er-do-wells that the slightest risk can lead to decisions to stop all operations.
One of the great civil defense lessons is that the secondary impacts of a natural or manmade disaster often result in more injuries, death, and damage to property than the initial event. You are about to learn that lesson as well. The titans of real estate and business who pay for your communist lifestyle of no work and parasitic grifting off their taxes are abandoning you and you are in deep shit.
Although the Rubicon crossed by the corrupt, evil, greedy, immoral Southern District of New York “justice” system was the trigger that caused this protest, exercise some common sense while you still have time, reverse and repent of your mortal sin, and reverse this insane ruling now.
American truckers are deep thinkers. They, and other average Americans have been trying to tell all you decadent, smug, urban elites for decades that we are tired of your evil, including but not limited to:
Government/corporate media lies
Soros, Marxist, Socialist, NGO, WEF, NGO, NATO lies and family assaults
Corrupt, evil politicians
A rigged and oppressive “justice” system
Medical care that injures and maims them rather than healing them
It is a much longer list, but I will stop there.
This American Truckers protest is specific to the decision to defend Donald J. Trump because he represents our values. We know you want to force us to accept your chaos, evil, destruction, and horror by destroying him to destroy us, but you will not succeed.
Children deserve fun, smiles, holiness, honesty, innocence, beauty, truthfulness, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, self sufficiency, hard work, freedom from want and crime, and goodness. In short, they deserve to be Christians. And you are directly assaulting us as others have for 2,000 years. But we know our history. And we know how to resist peacefully as these American Truckers are now.
They have spontaneously risen in a peaceful, non violent, American Constitutionally-enshrined First Amendment right guaranteed protest to not deliver food, fuel, toilet paper, medicines, and other daily necessities to the area that is bringing down the rest of the American Republic. And the majority of Americans support them.
New York City Elites Know Nothing about American Truckers
I get a laugh when I hear the New York City commies in the government and corporate media through their NGO media influence operations saying: “We will just hire replacement drivers” or “We will just hire some of the millions of illegal aliens as truck drivers.”
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.
The fact is, even if you do not care to know it, truck drivers, and especially the independent owner-operators who are willing to risk their lives driving the mere 10 highways that go to into the rat hole that is now New York City, are highly intelligent, rigorously trained, expert professionals. You cannot replace them in time to have an impact.
Obtaining a commercial drivers license is hard. Many try to get one. Most fail.
Then there is the continual drug testing. How many replacement drivers or illegals are going to pass that requirement?
There are 85,000 job openings for qualified truck drivers today for a reason. It is a difficult job that a rare group of dedicated, highly trained, intelligent, extremely hard working men and women can accomplish each day.
And the genius of these commercial disobedience activist American Truckers is that they are honoring the First Amendment while breaking no laws. They are letting you know in a direct and practical way that YOU broke the law and need to abandon your lawlessness.
My brother drove a semi for FedEx out of the Northeast Philadelphia terminal to New York City, New Jersey, and up and down U.S. Interstate Route 95 for years. I learned from him just how hard a job it is to be an American truck driver, especially when driving into, delivering to, and exfiltrating New York City.
Many times, he had to risk his life stopping New York City thieves from stealing his deliveries while he was unloading them from his truck. He had to pay enormous tickets because ticketing truck drivers is a large income source for New York City due to the lack of places to park while unloading goods. He had to pay enormous fees to enter and exit the city.
And if you have ever driven into New York City as I have to read poetry at the KGB Bar Kraine Theater in Manhattan, you know that it is one of the scariest experiences you will ever live through.
Instead of condescending toward American Truckers, all you decadent, smug, urban New York City elitists might want to thank God everyday they are willing to put up with your wickedness and continue to bring you food, fuel, and the other necessities of life.
When I attended the University of Pennsylvania, I had my fill of your New Yorker lying, whining, complaining, communism, perfidy, anti-Americanism, and decadence. You inhale every issue of the New York Times, Vanity Fair, New Yorker magazine and secular bibles run by CIA phycological operations offices to make sure you all think like them rather than for yourselves.
Blindly and with no critical thought to consequences, you want to tear this country apart regardless of 250 years of established American laws, the American Constitution, or even the Law of Unintended Consequences.
But most Americans now know your games and have strategies to deal with your evil. Your false narratives, red flag operations, deception, lies, tyranny, anti-Americanism, globalist group think, and violence no longer work. And soon you will find out.
So, rather than laughing at the American Trucker’s refusal to deliver to them due to your Southern District of New York hyper corrupt legal system, you may want to do some serious thinking and repeal this unlawful, bizarre, brazen, persecution of Donald J. Trump.
After all, unless you assassinate him as some of you have stated publicly you plan to do, according to all the polls he will be in the White House in January, 2025, and his new Department of Justice Director will be looking to correct this nonsense along with so many others.
Take a Break and Enjoy Billy and the Curley Brothers
For American Truckers: My son Eamon Patrick of Billy and the Curley Brothers fame sings I Wish I Could Drive My Truck Straight Through Virginia in a way that honors you and your hard work if you want to give it a listen.
Or, take a break a break, and enjoy my orchard poem below related to this topic.
This is a poem I wrote to honor the work of a now deceased incredibly hard working Methodist orchard man, my father-in-law, Ken Ruggles, Sr., his son Ken Ruggles, Jr., and their unbelievably hard working family that supplies City People with food.
Ken Sr. grew up on a farm with his 9 brothers and sisters on the Mason-Dixon Line with one half of the farmhouse in Pennsylvania and one half in Maryland so paid taxes to both states. Fought in the Pacific Theater against in WWII, drove a trolly from Capital Hill to Glen Echo in the late 1940’s and 1950’s, drove a milk truck for Thompson Dairy in Frederick, MD in the 1960’s until the unions put it out of business, and fled after the Washington, DC riots in 1968 to protect his family to West Virginia and worked for decades growing fruit for, as he put it, “city people.”
When the City People would roar past the two S-curves on the dirt road in front of his farmhouse at ungodly speeds racing to get to their summer cottages down by the North Potomac River, he would raise a fist and yell, “Way to go, Jackass!!! Everybody’s in a big race to get nowhere!!!”
Way to go, New York City jackasses. You’re going nowhere and you cannot feed yourselves. In your narcissism, you are too unaware to realize you just infuriated the only people who can make sure you have food. All you did with that bizarre legal persecution is awaken a sleeping giant known as the American Trucker who brings you your food, fuel, medicine, toilet paper, and other necessities.
His son took over the orchard while also serving in the Green Berets for 21 years. Yeah, New Yorkers, good Christian men defend you and feed you despite your obnoxious atheism you are seeking to inject in every aspect of American Civilization. Be careful. Soon you won’t have enough of us to serve in your dirty wars and you might end up speaking Mandurian Chinese if the CCP/PLA has its way.
Wait until the American Truckers are joined by the other Americans who actually pay taxes.
Things are about to get real frosty.
The Fruit of the Orchard
In winter, these trees are not dead.
Their strength lies buried,
Ready to burst through when next needed,
Like humans in the face of disaster
Who rely on spirit to transcend
Material barriers and weakness
To make the transition
From this world
To the Spirit world
Across our artificial divide.
In spring, the earth moves below.
Nutrients flow into underground water
To be leached by root hairs
Into the trunks of the apple trees
Which bring them up through heartwood
To the baby-like hunger of the branches.
The sun delivers its warmth and energy
While the moon pulls the water forth.
Buds explode into flowers whose bees
Visit to suck sweet-flowing nectar
Back to their queen in the hive.
Flowers become small apples
In this season of tectonic rebirth.
In summer, the Orchard man steps forth
More strongly. Like a general,
He summons his wife and sons
For their wise counsel, in-gathers family, and friends,
Marshals’ tractors, machinery and tools.
Also like a general, he feels
The enemy's approach long before
Dust appears on the horizon.
He works to prepare for the opening skirmishes
While dreading the battles that follow.
He squints at the sky and knows it is time.
He musters his people, machines, and knowledge
To fight off the most ancient enemies of man:
Drought, pestilence, disease, insects, ignorance.
The Orchard man has seen the fury of war
In the Pacific in World War II as a Marine.
He knows this will be like all the other wars,
And, therefore, fears the expected surprise.
Too much water, too little water,
Too much sun, not enough sun,
Insects and brown rot, hailstorms, and lightning,
Floods and drought ¾nature's arsenal is endless.
He looks at the sky again and curses the weather.
He stands alone and shakes his fist at a cloudless sky.
In fall, each row a cathedral of trees gleams light;
Light of pink flowing through the rose windows
Of the golden delicious apple trees,
Bowed branch nave to the altar
The trees yield their fruit
The way God gives us children
By the unity of seed, spirit,
And organic material blending
Over myriad and passing seasons,
Through storms that assault and cleanse:
And animals that eat buds and branches
Until the Fall comes and the trees
Form this cathedral of blinding light
And these trees are alive,
These trees want to be handled tenderly,
These trees demand careful, loving,
Selfish love before they yield their fruit.
The hands that love these trees
Know how to stroke each twig and branch
Tenderly to yield all its fruit
Until the storage bins are heavy
And full and luscious with sweet fruit,
And the full harvest brings full measure.
In Harvest, the feast is set before
The Orchard family's spare table.
The families of apples' dance
A ballet of sweet nourishment:
Applesauce sweet rich from the golden
And Johnnies and Grannies fill the bowl.
Honey-colored apple juice is poured.
The new baby is fed diced Yorks.
Cinnamon and sugar explode on her tongue
And the fruits of labor, human and divine,
In that very feeding from father to daughter
And from mother to son, ensure again,
The continuance of the eternal plan.
Finally, my favorite truck is the Cybertruck and my favorite AI is Grok.
Sad to say but I was not remotely concerned about politics until 2019. About 50 years of my life where I just floated along working and doing life without thinking twice about our government or the under workings of our country. Even sadder I would say most Americans were just like me. And we didn’t realize how evil and corrupt much of our society had become. We did not realize they had taken over our education and government system. But I, like much of America, have woken up. We can take this country back. Thanks for your great articles.
So good , so true , so American 🇺🇸!