Thank you, I needed a little boost. Just helps sometimes.

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I sure will! Thank you!

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Thanks for the video...I am so saddened to see everything our families for generations have worked to build just to be demolished by the uniparty in DC and embedded across the nation. They all campaign on our hopes and dreams yet deliver the same nightmare, over and over again. I see nothing but doom when I look ahead. I pray every day and night for this country and the people, my neighbors, my family and just enough hope to make it another day.

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Things are good right now. Very good.

Stay focused on opportunities.

Turn off the internet and go walk in the woods.

Reconnect with nature.

Love your family and listen to them.

As my dad used to say, "When they bury you, look up around your grave. Those are the people who love you and care about you. Take care of them. Others come and go. Always stay close to those who love you.

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Wow, thank you for posting!!! I was unaware of any such openly blatant advertising anywhere for such ignorant recruitment of our young people! This must be confronted and met with more than just a “hey kids knock it off!” attitude! I’m fully aware of the CCP’s influence campaign though. I have been aware of this since around the middle of 2007. What people are unaware of is that our country is absolutely covered with spies for the CCP. They are in every aspect of our lives. Just because a Chinese person moves and receives citizenship here does not relieve the Chinese persons duty to report back to China by no means. Our education institutions are absolutely entrenched with CCP influence. I love Ivan Raiklin, I have tried to withhold my hopes with him due to being disappointed by so many before...but I can’t deny, he hits all the right spots!

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CCP, using 10,000 years of experience bribing rather than going to kinetic warfare, bought our politicians, Hollywood, our universities, Wall Street, and our country for mere millions.

Consider that their companies trade daily on the New York Stock Exchange...yet do not have to follow laws, regulations, restrictions, mandates, etc. that U.S. companies do, so they make twice the money of American companies and face no lawsuits.

Their unrestricted warfare doctrine is succeeding as you note.

My one hope is that, like all tyrants, they have a blind spot.


And they have overreached.

The Africans and Europeans are waking up to what the CCP plans for them via the Belt and Road "Initiative" doctrine because of the consequences of the CCP overreach and arrogance have had on their countries already.

I first became aware of their strategy in 1977 when my brother worked for the Labor Dept an did "Trade Adjustment Assistance." He had a case in St. Louis where the Red Chinese sold the state government steel for a bridge for half the price of the American steel plant located only 5 miles away. He approved "assistance" for the now unemployed steel workers while the Red Chinese continued to destroy out steel industry with help from our "leaders."

I went to high school at Archbishop Kennedy in Conshohocken, PA from 1969 to 1973. Most of my classmates fathers worked at Allenwood Steel. It closed as the steel industry was moved to Red China and many had to move to Texas to find work.

It was devastating and has been repeated in thousands of American cities, counties, and towns since then. Maybe the author of Hillbilly Elegy is aware of the pattern and will fight back successfully in the next 4 years.

Since that time, I have watched them use this unrestricted warfare strategy of lowering prices on a product below market, capture dominant market share, then raise the price.

Look into rare earth elements for how they destroyed our market in those and how we are now dangerously dependent on them for supplies. I question if our mighty American military machine will grind to a halt without these essential elements.

And the CCP knows this as well.

Or look up how the CCP controls 90% of the base elements for drugs with India controlling the other 10%.

Obviously, I don't shop at the CCP's allies Amazon and Walmart.

But I don't despair.

God, not men, are in charge.

As we just saw in Butler, PA.

As for Ivan, he is good people.

He loves God, his wife and boys, and the American Republic.

He has exhibited unreal bravery as the cowardly bureaucrats have tried to use the full weight of the government to destroy him and his family

I wish I had his brains, analytical capabilities, and network.

But that is why a team is necessary to turn around this treason.

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I enjoyed reading and value the information derived from the article for sure! I’ll be on the lookout for the next God willing.

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Might want to go back and read my prior articles. Much good information to keep you and your family safe.

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