You ain’t been in a snowstorm until you’ve been in a South Dakota whiteout, brother. Keep driving in one and you’re more likely to find yourself stuck in the middle of a field of cornstalks a mile off the road than anywhere you might have wanted to be.

About 10 years ago there was a woman lost in a SD whiteout. She had contacted 911 and the cops were looking for her. Her cell phone died before they found her, and so did she. She was only a couple miles from town.

All you can do is pull off the road as far as is safe without driving into the ditch, pull the blanket out of the back, wrap up and read a book.

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Actually, in 1984 after inspecting the emergency operations center (EOC) and finding out what they were spending their civil defense funds on in Austin, TX I flew to South Dakota for the same reason.

I flew into a South Dakota whiteout and remember it well.

I remember how I thanked God that given the whiteout conditions a local cab driver who knew how to drive in it was getting me from the small regional airport to my meeting with the EOC officials the next day.

I also remember seeing something I had never seen before: the motel had a solarium outside the doors to prevent snow from getting into the rooms. Even then, the snow still was in the solarium and got through the door every time I opened it.

As the airline did not deliver my suitcase from Texas with my warm clothes, I recall attending the meeting in shorts and a shirt like I just stepped off the beach. It was embarrassing and the EOC officials had a good laugh at my expense.

They weren't laughing so hard later when they read my report of how they were misappropriating the money that was to be used for civil defense for the citizens of South Dakota but were instead using those funds to feather their nests.

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