Without more American babies, American tactical civil defense has no future. Given the demographic collapse in the United States right now, there will not be enough people to continue American Civilization or to engage in additional duties, such as civil defense. We must encourage young people to have babies if we are to have a future at all and especially in American civil defense.
I first got involved in civil defense when I was stationed at Eglin Air Force Base in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, in the 1980’s. As an extra duty, once a month at Eglin we ran emergency evacuation drills of the huge hospital. Hurricanes were a serious threat in the 1980’s in Florida, as they are today. So, at least the USAF was preparing. My job was to help the elderly exit the hospital safely during the readiness training drill.
In Florida, the most likely event to be ready for is a hurricane. In West Virginia where I now live, it is most likely a flood. Astonishingly, in neither state do 97% of its citizens prepare for these natural events that strike somewhere every day. As proof, why do tens of thousands panic before every hurricane in Florida and run out to buy water, plywood, generators, etc. when they know the clear and present danger and should have covered for it?
In that laziness and indifference, they are no different than other Americans who live with the mythical belief that “The Government” will save them. The Government does not make babies. Sadly, these days, instead they finance the murder of babies via brutal and horrid medical procedures, pharmaceuticals, misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.
Citizens make babies so citizens must make the future.
Nothing is more important than babies. Babies are God’s sacred gift that give innocently and prolong the life of parents and grandparents. I love babies. I have the privilege of being a father and a grandfather and enjoy the blessings of interacting with these remarkable people every day.
My mother loved babies as well and instilled that love in me and my siblings. She was an extraordinary woman. “Is there anything as beautiful or more important than a baby?!” my dear departed mother would say. With 8 children and 19 grandchildren, she knew. She offered a Rosary for her children and grandchildren every night. It is the reason we all survived to be adults to have children of our own.
Once she said to me, “You got a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania. That’s great. But I have a PhD in how to have and raise babies. In the long run, that is more important.” She was right. Her favorite poem from among the several thousand I’ve written was “To Stretch a Potato.”
To Stretch a Potato
My mother's gourmet recipes
all came from the back and side panels
of Domino sugar boxes, Campbell's soup cans,
White House vinegar jars, 5 & 10 store cookbooks,
and the food section of the Philadelphia Bulletin.
"As long as it's nutritious, inexpensive,
and tastes good, who knows the difference anyway?"
she said, when I returned from a semester in Paris
commenting on how the French made a religion of food.
"Look, I know a hundred ways to stretch
potatoes a thousand days so that all eight of you
had enough to eat every night. Show me
a fancy French chef who can do that?!"
and her look told me no reply was expected.
Now my sister Sue calls to ask me to buy
a piece of cloth at a fabric store
for a family quilt she will sew together
for my mother's 75th birthday party.
I'm dumbfounded. I know nothing
of cloth or fabrics. These have always
been in the feminine domain in my world.
Instead, I want to clip recipe after recipe
from Campbell's soup cans,
and Domino sugar boxes
and White House vinegar jars
and the Philadelphia Bulletin.
I want to attach a $100.00 bill to each
and give them to my mother with a note that says:
"Thanks for stretching the food
when there wasn't enough money around
to buy more; thanks for loving me enough
to teach me the difference between
fancy gourmet foods that last a day,
and hearty potato foods that last generations."
On What the Future of Civilization Depends
In a prior Substack “On What the Future of Civilization Depends: Let's Fight Satan by Reversing the Demographic Collapse” I covered how critical it is for young people to experience the wonder of meeting, falling in love, and the miracle of courtship that leads to marriage, as marriage leads to babies and beautiful, strong, resilient, loving families.
Here is a poem I wrote for my wife 40 years ago when I was courting her that she framed and put in our family living room with the engagement and wedding photo books of our oldest and his new wife.
My True Home
this morning
I awoke
so in love with you
that inside
a cloud burst
to lift me high
above city lights
over highways
and country roads
to an oak cabin
in the woods
by a fire
of apple and peach tree
I laid my head
against your lap
and found
my true home.
Families are our future. Civil defense, nor life itself, will continue and prosper without families. Basic, but rarely brought up. Intergenerational love, harmony, peace, resilience, and support are critical to our future. Again, basic.
Yet all I hear are Boomers are this and Millennials are that. Silly Marxist sociological professors academic babble is now “truth.” As Margaret Sweeny “Mum Mum” Watson, the women you see with all eight of us by the stairs would say, “Every age has its beauty.” Let’s follow that wisdom rather than the age cohort commie divisions being rammed down our throats by the Marxists academics and media.
The Mortal and Venial Sin of nor Preparing for Disaster
What does the Bible say about natural disasters?
The Bible is the greatest book of all time. It is Divine inspiration, the way to a holy life, history, poetry, fiction, science fiction, wisdom, virtues training, life training, etc. It is everything.
My answer to the old question, “If you were stranded on an island, and could only have one book, what would it be?” I can say my answer is the Bible. Although this was not the case when I was young, now that I am at the end of my life soon and wise enough to read it 15 minutes before I go to sleep, I know its worth.
Both the Old and New Testament have hundreds of examples of manmade and natural disasters, and how to prepare for them. Natural disasters usually strike with little or no warning. On the other hand, God gave warnings to the wicked before using natural forces against them. The people who heeded the warnings had an opportunity to escape disaster. Here is one about flood and how to prepare for it and why it matters.
The waters swelled and increased greatly on the earth, but the ark floated on the surface of the waters. Higher and higher on the earth the waters swelled, until all the highest mountains under the heavens were submerged. The waters swelled fifteen cutis higher than the submerged mountains. All creatures that moved on earth perished: birds, tame animals, wild animals, and all that teemed on the earth, as well as all humankind. Everything on the dry land with breath of life in its nostrils died. The Lord wiped out every being on earth: human being and animals, the crawling things and the birds of the air; all were wiped out from the earth. Only Noah and those with him in the ark were left. Genesis: 6-24
But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, or the Son, but the Father alone. For as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the Coming of the Son of Man. In those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the Ark. So it will be also at the Son of Man. Two men will be out in the field; one will be taken, and on will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left. Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come. Matthew: 37-42
In my view, it is a mortal sin or venial sin, depending on the seriousness of the neglect, to not prepare within your means to protect and defend your family from natural and manmade disasters. Take my one brother as an example. He has time and money to gamble, drink beer, and smoke cigars, but no time or money to prepare his children or grandchildren for disaster.
He is a half hour from the beach in his new house in Delaware. He will be hit by a Nor’easterner, hurricane, flooding, crime, or another civil defense event. Still, he does not prepare. Sadly, he is not alone.
We have to get him and all parents and grandparents to prepare if American Tactical Civil Defense is to have any chance of this American Dream continuing in the future. I know things about plans by evil people to destroy Americans that I wish I did not know. What I do know is that babies are essential to our survival.
I know my children and grandchildren have inspired me and helped me to live a much longer life than I ever expected to live in my twenties. I have almost died five times in my life and used to ask a question after I survived each threat to my life, “God, why am I still alive?”
Now I know the answer was and is to protect my wife, children, grandchildren, and good Americans from disaster. And I know that survival depends on me and mine, not “The Government.”
Learning to Have Faith
Liam’s 14-month old fingers
Squeezed hard my index finger
As his little legs pumped forward
Hesitatingly, then confidently,
As he learned to take rapid steps
In his first explorations of the grass
On his bare feet each time the
Earth was still there beneath him.
He soon had faith that he could coordinate
His sight, muscle, and sensory nerve endings
To march further into the before unknown.
The strength of his fingers on mine
Startled me and made me focus
On keeping up with his gait
And not letting him fall or stumble
Until I felt, as real as his fingers
Wrapped mightily around mine,
God’s hand holding my other hand
Not letting me fall or stumble
So I, in faith, too, would not let
Fall or stumble, despite the Original Fall,
Despite my unworthy sin stumbles.
The Greatest Mind in America, Elon Musk, Loves Babies
The greatest mind in America, Elon Musk of SpaceX, has identified the danger of this demographic collapse many times, as here: “Population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming.” (Elon Musk, Tweet, 2022).
More importantly, he has co-created 10 babies in hopes we continue as a civilization capable of interplanetary travel. Musk is a man of action who is helping to save civilization. Babies help us know God and inspire us to greatness. I believe the inspiration of Elon Musk to reach for the moon, Mars, and the stars is his 10 children.
Another great man of action who is helping save civilization is Nicholas Eberstadt. Over the past decade and more — since the crash of 2008 and the current Great Recession — America’s birth rates have taken a fateful turn veering well below replacement level. Nicholas Eberstadt, National Review, “Can America Cope with Demographic Decline. His brilliance in this area is displayed in his writings below.
NOTE: Replacement level is defined as one baby girl born for every child bearing woman who makes it to child bearing age herself (without compensating immigration replacement).
Revitalization won’t come from government. In theory, it should be perfectly possible for a modern society not only to maintain prosperity but to increase it steadily in the face of pervasive population aging and demographic stagnation or depopulation. Whether the United States can in practice continue to flourish in the face of such trends is another question.
The formula by which the U.S. ascended to its current status of the world’s wealthiest society and sole superpower was predicated on over two centuries of continuous and exceptional population growth, unique among Western countries in tempo and scale. Today, America’s population is two and a half times larger than on the eve of World War II (1940), three and a half times larger than in the lead-up to World War I (1910), ten times larger than just before the Civil War (1860), and 300 million persons more populous than that antebellum nation.
But that old familiar formula is in trouble today. It is no longer clear that the U.S. can count on indefinite geometric population growth to power its way into the future. Sooner or later, continuing American population growth of any kind may not be in the cards, either.
As the figures come in for 2020 and 2021, it is likely that the U.S. will see its slowest years of demographic growth ever officially recorded. But this is an aberrant blip, a demographic shock from the terrible COVID pandemic, which caused deaths to spike and also temporarily depressed birth rates.
Europe provides a case study in how a sea change in values can lead to a sea change in demography. Back in the 1980s, after most of Western Europe had gone sub-replacement, two Flemish demographers diagnosed what they identified as a “second demographic transition” in the region.
The symptoms of this new demographic order included rising cohabitation and serial partnerships in the place of marriage, increasing childlessness, declining family size for those who did bear children, and a shift to more or less permanent sub-replacement fertility. In their diagnosis, this fundamental social change was driven by a transformation of values, not technological or economic trends.
In their assessment, the new demography of Europe was powered by a quest for “self-actualization,” for “personal autonomy.” Old family forms and fertility patterns did not square terribly well with these new and widely accepted personal imperatives, and so they gave way.
Over the past two decades, the worldview of American youth and younger adults has become much more European. Religiosity has plunged: In a Gallup poll earlier this year, just 36 percent of Millennials said they belonged to any religious congregation. Optimism about the future, pride in their country, and willingness to defend it are all likewise reportedly on the wane, moving closer to European norms.
Should it surprise that their fertility patterns are doing the same? And initial indications suggest that an even greater departure from the “Morning in America” worldview may lie in store with the younger, rising cohort of “Zoomers.” Should this persist, downward pressure on U.S. fertility could well continue to build as Zoomers enter prime childbearing ages.
Nicholas Ebarstadt nails it. If the American people are to continue, we need more babies. He is a scholar, historian, and visionary whose books examine critical primary problems that cause secondary issues. Here are links to them.
Can America Cope with Demographic Decline
The Crisis of Men Without Work
Russia’s Peacetime Demographic Crisis
You can also follow Nicholas Ebarstadt’s work here: American Enterprise Institute
Marxist Feminism as the Main Force behind Demographic Collapse
TJ Harker is the General Counsel of a Knoxville, Tennessee company. He was a federal prosecutor and investigated and tried national white-collar fraud and espionage matters for the Department of Justice. He writes Amicus Republicae on Substack (I recommend you follow him) and also writes for The American Mind.
He has written elegantly about how Marxist Feminism has destroyed women’s ability to procreate, as below.
The problem with feminism’s assault on purpose (for both women and men) is that it is opposed to Western culture, which is the product of a long evolutionary process. As such, feminism is fantastically destructive. One hundred million years of natural selection, and probably not less than 1.2 million years of sexual selection (if you use the start of the Pleistocene as the date when modern homo sapiens emerged), acted as repetitive intergenerational filters.
These filters selected in favor of men with the capacity to display the right “fitness indicators” for the purpose of reproducing. Reproducing, of course, requires women. In this way, the selective pressure on men to impress women manifested in men developing the traits women preferred. These include masculine traits like chivalry, ambition, intelligence, planning, mental fortitude, and physical strength. But it also included their physical and ideal manifestations like buildings, roads, crops, vaccines, discoveries, and theorems.
Unfortunately, many men are demoralized and confused, physically and mentally weak, afraid, and lacking in vitality. To fix this, men must acknowledge the biological and cultural imperative to improve themselves along every axis for most of their adult lives. Rest when you’re dead. Weakness is not an excuse.
Men must also celebrate feminine women–women who are elegant, chaste, beautiful, mysterious, motherly, tender, compassionate, and loving. Such feminine women are the perfect complement to masculine men. At the same time, men must reject the longhouse and the harpies and the neutered ethos implied by both. Starve them into the dustbin of history. That last point should be relatively easy, as feminists aren’t particularly fecund.
Similarly, many western women are possessed by a toxic brew of ideological nonsense that has destroyed femininity. This nonsense defies two-thousand years of Western custom, mores, and traditions and more than a million years of natural and sexual selection. It has no basis in cultural or biological fact and will, in time, be destroyed as its inertia wanes.
Women can accelerate this process by rediscovering the essential role they played in building the West through their preferential selection of masculine character traits. They must encourage men to adventure, build, compete, discover, explore, fight (sometimes), give, help, and invent.
At the same time, women must demand that our cultural institutions teach girls how to restrain their appetites while encouraging modesty, elegance, beauty, charm, steadfastness, loyalty, and sacrifice. They must learn to give wise counsel to men and boys, channeling, refining, and improving their character while loving them in a deep and abiding way.
Many men and women will object. This is to be expected since restoring our civilization will be hard work, and feminism is replete with sound bites masquerading as arguments for not doing hard things. But the good things are the hard things. You know this to be true. Go back into the world and act accordingly. Our civilization—the West—depends on it.
Picture This, My Dear Girl
There are so many, many, many good young Americans. I meet them all the time. For the good of the future of American Civilization and American Tactical Civil Defense, they need to meet, court, marry, and have babies. The alternative is the decline of American Civilization from drug addiction, depression, suicide, early death, alcoholism, and other horrors.
I know these facts because I am tired of attending such funerals. There are forces out there who want that end, from Satan to the CCP, and the legacy news media is lying to you that the evil people are winning so just submit. This is Satan’s greatest lie. Jesus died for our sins once and for all, but we have a lot of work to do to be worthy of that sacrifice while we are temporarily on this earth.
So I close with a challenge to those young women out there to choose life and babies and continue to procreate as good, holy, romantic, beautiful, virtuous, athletic, and grace-filled wives. Finding a good man to turn into an extraordinary man is your challenge.
You have a beautiful family.
I have 3 girls, 1 son. Which isn't bad considering odds where stacked against me from birth. My youngest was barely 5 lbs when she was born. We called it quits and appreciated our blessings. My kiddos range from 28 to 11 now. Also have two grandsons, so far. Yes, Potatoes, and cabbage go a long way. Nothing is wasted. Roughage goes in the garden or becomes stock. These things were not taught to me, and we're learned through trial and error from our own personal collapse. We were shopping in the basement and husband did car repairs in exchange for food or cost of utility bill for a year and a half. My children will know these things. Thank you for sharing. Hard times aren't ideal but it sure is nice, when everything you learned helps more than money in the long run. I'm still learning. Again, thank you for sharing. 🙏 Goals aren't in fruit yet, but we are working on it.