WWIII Apocalypse Dream
In a dream last night (3/26/2024), I was walking through the aftermath of WWIII.
In the dream, all I saw were collapsed buildings and horrific scenes of human suffering and death as I walked through the physical aftermath of a thermonuclear war…World War III.
In one part of the nightmare, I was desperately trying to locate my emergency emergency supplies for my family’s survival. I found them and began to gather them when the authorities announced I was needed to help others nearby who were in bad shape.
After doing so, they ordered us to occupy one of the remaining buildings for the night. Conditions in the building were crowded and bad as many sought shelter in one of the few buildings still standing.
Upon waking the next day, I went to find my emergency supplies. They were gone. When I approached the authorities, their eyes indicated they had seized my emergency supplies for themselves and instead of providing an answer, they ordered me to dedicate my technical writing skills to help with the continuing recovery.
I recall the horrible feeling that I could not find these emergency supplies and the knowledge that the authorities, had confiscated them for themselves and were not giving them back to me to use for my family’s survival. As we were in a State of Emergency, they reminded me that they had emergency powers and I would do what I was told if I knew what was good for me.
They assigned me to my technical writing expertise to quickly disseminate information the old way, by paper, to get instructions to the men with practical skills using their hands (plumbers, electricians, stone masons, truck drivers, etc.) who required instructions to rebuild civilization.
That was the end of the dream and I woke up.
Lessons of the French and Indian War for WWIII
In reaction to that dream, I will examine the French and Indian War of 1754 to 1963 and its lessons for WWIII.
The French and British rulers of the 1700’s were the globalists of their day. As globalists, like the World Economic Forum, they sought power and wealth without regard to human life. Then, as today and demonstrated by the bioweapon they released on the world in 2019-20, they were willing to sacrifice large numbers of humans to advance their power and wealth.
For background, read History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia: An Account of the Various Expeditions in the West by Wills De Hass. He wrote it in 1851 and is a truthful account of the brutality of war on all sides.
The French and British rulers of the 1700’s both wanted control of the enormous natural wealth of North America for themselves alone and both were willing to go to war and kill as many humans as they needed to to achieve that goal.
In the same way the globalists consider the people of Ukraine expendable in their proxy war there, the French and British rulers considered the inhabitants of North America, both colonists and native tribes, as collateral damage in a much wider global contest. And the levels of barbarism unleashed once such wars begin are unreal.
As we read on page 226-227 of Wills De Hass’s tome, due to the savagery of close up combat with tomahawks brought down on skulls and scalping as a usual follow through, colonial women, in addition to the men, had to be tough, physically, mentally, and spiritually, as in these two examples:
“The alarm which had caused the settlers to resort to Prickett’s fort, induced two or three families living convenient to Mrs. Bozarth, to collect at his house. About the 1st of April 1789, when but two men were in the house with Mrs. Bozarth, the children, who had been out playing, ran suddenly in crying that “Indians were coming!”
In order to ascertain the true cause of this alarm, one of the men stepped to the door and was struck upon the breast with a rifle ball, which knocked him back into the house. A savage sprung in after him and attacked the other white man with all the fury of his nature. The man being unarmed, called for a knife, but Mrs. Bozarth not seeing one at the instant, picked up a axe, and killed the savage on the spot. While the courageous woman was thus engage, a second Indian presented himself at the door, and firing, killed the man who had been struggling with his companion. Quick as thought, the intrepid matron turned upon this new comer, and at one blow ripped open his abdomen, causing the savage to yell most lustily for help. Immediately,, several of his companions rushed to the rescue, but the invincible woman was ready for them. The first who attempted to enter was struck upon the head, and his skull cleft, making the third victim to the axe. The others having drawn out the wounded savage, and learning the strength of the house, attempted to force the door, but Mrs. Bozarth had so securely fastened it, as to defy all their efforts. The savages then killed the children in the yard and made off.”
Here is another account of hundreds of horrors presented in his book.
“During the summer of this year, the house of Mr. John Merrill, of Nelson County, KY, was attacked by Indians, and defended with singular address and good fortune. Merrill was alarmed by the barking of a dog about midnight, and upon opening the door in order to ascertain the cause of the disturbance, received the fire of six or seven Indians, by which his arm and thigh were both broken. He instantly sunk upon the floor and called upon his wife to close the door. This had scarcely been done, when it was violently assailed by the tomahawks of the enemy, and a large breach soon effected. Mrs. Merrill, being a large woman, possessing both strength and courage, guarded the door with an axe, and successively killed or badly wound four of the enemy as they attempted to force their way into the cab in…Seizing the axe, she quickly dispatched them and [they] return[ed] hastily to Chillicothe, where, from the report of a prisoner, he gave an exaggerated account of the fierceness, strength, and courage of the “Long-knife squaw!”
If anyone objects to the term “savage,” or thinks Wills De Hass’ is a “racist” who only records the atrocities of the American Indians, they need to read Chapter X. Williamson’s Campaign that records, with shame, the slaughter of Moravian Indians who had converted to Christianity.
“The Moravian Indians early became objects of suspicion to both the whites and the surrounding savages. The latter, because they had given up the customs of their race; and the former, on account of their supposed protection to, or harboring or, hostile Indians…they fell under the displeasure of the border settlers, who suspected them of aiding and abetting the savages, whose depredations upon the frontier had caused so much terror and misery throughout wester Virginia and Pennsylvania. To add to this feeling, early in February, 1782, a party of Indians from Sandusky penetrated the settlements and committed numerous depredations.
Col. David Williamson, ten put the question to them in form, “Whether the Moravian Indians should be taken prisoners to Pittsburgh, or put to death; and requested that all those who ere in favor of saving their lives should step out of the line, and form a second ran?” On this sixteen, some say eighteen, stepped out of the rank and formed themselves into a second line. But alas! this line of mercy was far too short for that of vengeance.
The particulars of this catastrophe are too horrid to relate. When the morning arrived, the murders selected two house, which they named slaughter-houses - one for the women and children. The victims were then bound, two and two together, and led into the slaughter-houses, where they were scalped and murdered.”
Should it be asked what sort of people composed the band of murderers of these unfortunate people? I answer, - They were not miscreants or vagabonds; many of them were men of first standing in the country. Many of them had recently lost relations by the hands of the savages, a d were burning for revenge. They cared little upon whom they wreaked their vengeance, so they were Indians.
When attacked by our people, although they might have defended themselves, they did not. They never fired a single shot. They were prisoners that had been promised protection. Every dictate of justice and humanity required that their lives should be spared. The compliant of thier villages being “Half-way house for the warriors” was at an end, ad they had been removed to Sandusky the fallll before. It was therefore and atrociouis and unqualified murder. Buty by whomm committed. By the majoring of the campaign? For the honor of my country, I hope I may safely answers this question in the negative. It w3as one of those convulsions of the moral state of society, in which the voice of the justice and humanity of the majority is silenced by the clamor and vio9lence of a lawless minority. Very few or our men imbrued their hands in the blood of the Moravians. Even those who had not voted for saving their lives, retired from the scene of slaughter with horror and disgust. Why then did they not give their votes in their favor? The fear of public indignation restrained them from doing so. They thought well, but had not her5oism enough to express their opinion.”
Why the Horrors of the French and Indian Wars are Relevant to WWIII
The French and Indian war of 1754 to 1763 offers lessons that apply to the fever for WWIII the globalists are currently rushing forward for us.
Neither the American settlers nor the American Indians could have imagined the brutality of the French and Indian War when it started. If you want to know just how brutal, read Wills de Hass’s History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia. As it was published in 1851, he tells hundreds of stories of the atrocities on both sides factually without the current “intersectionality” or Marxist critical theory disinformation
In the French and Indian War, death was up close and personal, meted out by a close firing musket or a tomahawk to the skull followed by a scalping. These are historical facts.
A 20-something on social media just lectured me that “history is all lies.” He is probably just repeating the pablum some communist professor fed him, but I feel sorry for him. History is prelude and patterns. Human nature never changes so what has happened in the past repeats. Due to his miseducation, he does know of the brutality of former or future war. And I doubt he knows there are many, including his professors, promoting WWIII.
We cannot imagine the brutality of WWIII just as we could not imagine the brutality of WWI and WWII, but given how brutal both were, there will be horrors. The exponential increase in lethality of war that has led to half a million Ukrainian deaths in just two years indicate just how horrible WWIII will be.
We never know the horrors that will accompany war before they occur.
My Uncle MIA 1st Lt. Frank J. Curley never thought he would end up in a Pacific Ocean grave on February 10th, 1945 when he enlisted in 1943 from LaSalle High School in Philadelphia, but he did, along with tens of thousand of others.
If you want other books that provide an unvarnished view of the brutality of war, read the accounts of those who knew it first-hand. Three I highly recommend follow.
Horio You Next Die! Of 63 Prisoners, Only 7 would Survive by Joseph G. Nason, U.S. Naval Aviator. “Joe Nason didn’t win any medals at all-he got shot down on his first mission. According to John Murphy (a fellow POW, Joe Nason had every disease known to man “except prolapse of the womb.” Of the 63 Allied Powers imprisoned at Rabaul, 56 would perish. This is the story of how Yankee (and Australian) ingenuity, a strong faith in God and family, large does of humor, a tenacious clinging to the straw of hope, and a fair amount of luck enabled seven men to escape the Grim Reaper.”
Last Man Out: Glen McDole, USMC, Survivor of the Palawan Massacre in World War II. “…his capture by the Japanese Imperial Army in May 1942, his entry into the Palawan prison camp in the Philippines on August 12, 1942, the vile conditions he and his comrades endured there, and the terrible day when 139 young soldiers were slaughtered. The book offers details of the escapes of the few survivors - who dug into refuse piles, hid in coral caves, and slogged through swamp and jungle. It also contains an account of the war crimes trials of the Japanese guards…”
Serenade to the Big Bird by Bert Stiles. After completing a tour of duty (35 missions) in bombers, Bert Stiles transferred to a fighter squadron. Just four months later he died in action on an escort mission to Hanover, Germany on November 26, 1944. Bert’s fine book portrays the tragedy of war and specifically the loss to the world of a fine, sensitive, talented writer who only had a short time to prove his merit. He died at twenty three.
None of these American civilians or warriors knew what “safe spaces,” “microaggressions,” or any of the other bizarre excuses for ignoring the realities of how brutal life, and especially war, can mean that have gained currency lately.
Video war games and movies like “Civil War” are disinformation. Unfortunately these make believe worlds misinform and mislead young people who are being left unprepared for the reality of what may become WWIII via such conditioning.
The details de Hass provides of the Moravian Indian Christians who were slaughtered is just one example of the barbarity of war once it is unleased.
The barbarity WWIII will unleash are Biblical. And yet, there are politicians, analysts, lobbyists, businessmen and women, and others in this nation who cavalierly speak daily of bringing on WWIII with no regard to necessity or consequences.
Incredibly, those calling for WWIII are the same people who have justified, aided, abetted, and used billions of American tax payer money to import millions of unvetted criminal and mentally ill illegal aliens into the U.S. in the past three and a half years that may result in WWIII kicking off in our backyard.
The invasion of illegal aliens they have brought in include 10 divisions of Communist Chinese Party/People’s Liberation Army (CCP/PLA) warriors. These CCP/PLA warriors can be employed in multiple ways to sew chaos and division. Here is one I gamed out. With a 50 to 1 cyberwarrior favorable ratio against the U.S., if the CCP/PLA combines their kinetic attack with a cyber attack, that will act as a force multiplier that will have catastrophic impacts to this nation.
Given the number of illegal aliens already in the U.S. and those arriving daily, conflict is inevitable. There was never a realistic hope that these millions would be cared for as those who encouraged them and provided the means for them to come here advanced. The American people, who rejected this invasion, will now have to endure the consequences of this invasion, both intended and unintended.
Plan accordingly for your family.
NOTE: I offer this American Tactical Civil Defense Substack for free so the maximum number of Americans can potentially wake up and take the tactical civil defense steps necessary to prepare for what is coming. To be ready, please read prior postings to see if anything may be of use to you and your family.
An ancestor of mine, Edward Maria Wingfield, was the first President of Jamestown in 1607-1610. I would like to say he enjoyed great success but those years were known by violence, disease and starvation. The colony nearly did not make it but somehow hung on through conditions I could not imagine. Today’s youth have no concept of what that struggle looked like and instead paint those settlers as the bad guys. Sickens me.
Top shelf history lesson and how it ties into today. If more understood history like this less we would have to worry about. Can not stop thinking how close we are getting for a trigger into Bosnia in the 1990s.