The Elite Engage in Civil Defense, So Should You
Like Christianity, Civil Defense Starts with the Family
The elite engage in civil defense….so should you. They are spending billions to prepare for disaster, as here.
As further proof, the Carnegie Corporation gave a huge sum of money ($500,000) to a hard Left junior professor named Alex Wellerstein at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey to “reinvent” civil defense.
Not sure you can get more elite than the Carnegie Foundation. If they are spending large sums of money to analyze and promote (reinvent) civil defense, why not for average Americans? Sadly, it remains an elite prerogative.
His Doomsday Machine Substack, Nuclear Secrecy Blog, and the Nuke Map explores, in a highly cerebral and academic way, explores the history, reality, threat, potential use, impact and survival possibility of nukes. Despite his hard Left slant in all his writing, he does present much good background information.
Professor Wellerstein created the NUKEMAP to see if you are in the blast zone should nuclear weapons rain down on your domicile. and the NUKEMAP.
(Years ago, I entered my address in his NUKEMAP to make sure my family would be outside the blast zones of Baltimore and Washington, DC. when I moved to Mt. Airy, MD. I did the same when I moved to Hedgesville, WV.)
The elites have built, and are building, multiple civil defense communities to ensure they survive a nuclear exchange. See here , and here. And especially the elite of the elite, Silicon Valley billionaires, who have their survival communities ready, and if this is not a contemporary civil defense project, I don’t know what is. Oh, maybe this. Or check out Subterropolis. What is Subterropolis? And more. And one more.
On the natural disaster side, enter #naturaldisaster in an Instagram or search engine. You will be able to view thousands of videos of natural disasters. They happen somewhere on the earth every hour. You only know of the ones that affect you directly or that the media chooses to report, but they occur continuously on this dynamic, living, erupting planet. So, natural disasters happen. Nuclear war has happened and will likely happen again.
Let’s prepare. And live. And triumph. And be great at it!
Here are a few ways you can prepare yourself, your children and grandchildren in civil defense.
And you don’t have to have hundreds of thousands in funding from the Carnegie Foundation to do so. Just use your family budget in a wise and prudent way.
Ways to do so are below.
Planning for Civil Defense for Children
Kylene and Jonathan Jones, in Provident Prepper: Common Sense Guide to Emergency Preparedness, Self-Reliance and Provident Living, have written a book that comprehensively deals with civil defense.
For example, Chapter 2 called, Preparing Children to Thrive in a Disaster, present in Plain English the best things you can do for your children, and their practical steps in this civil defense guide book will assist you.
Chapter 4, Family Emergency Plan: We Can Make It Together, details how to create a family emergency plan. They are clear about what I've observed for years: this is a parental responsibility that will pay off when the event happens, and it is a thankless task like many thankless parental tasks.
The Civil Defense Community
Michael Mabee, who wrote The Civil Defense Book: Emergency Preparedness for a Rural or Suburban Community, takes a community civil defense approach. Children are part of a family, but they are also a part of a community. He argues, insightfully, that if the community civil defense is strong, there is a far greater chance children will survive and prosper. The book examines how communities can prepare for and respond to nuclear, terrorist, hurricane, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), power outages, cyberattacks and other natural and man-made threats.
Civil Defense for Children — Medical
Good civil defense planning for children involves medical planning beyond just simple first aid kits and training. To understand just how much greater medical needs for children are in disasters, see: The Storm Doctor: Joplin Tornado
You don’t ever want to be caught having your children looking at you plaintively with fear facing a major medical catastrophe and you don’t have the tools to handle it. Visit North American Rescue’s product with a mission website and stock up now with essentials, such as:
Trauma and First Aid Kits
Audio Bleeding Control Kits
Burntec Burn Dressing
Bleeding Control Kits
Casualty Response Kits
Splinting and Immobilization Products
Medical and Surgical Products
Treatment Support and Accessories
North American Rescue offers special forces-level medical products that will provide you with the equipment and tools you need to care for children in a civil defense emergency.
When you conduct exercises, do it realistically. Below, I played a 9-year old with an eye blown out due to a plane crash for EPLEX. The moulage took 3 hours, but a realistic representation of such an injury inures responders to the injury so they could react nonemotionally when the actual event happens.
Civil Defense Supplies for Children
Because they are children, it will be mostly parents and adults gathering civil defense supplies. One option is the TACDA Store. You can purchase Potassium Iodate (K103) to shield the thyroid and prevent it from absorbing radioactive iodine during a nuclear emergency. (Unfortunately, people in California during the Fukushima radioactive scare mostly bought knock-off pills that did not work.) You can also purchase sanitation kits, personal hygiene and first aid kits, folding portable toilets, water filtration socks, Aquarian four filter systems, emergency food bars, privacy shelters, fire blankets and so many products are offered there that are great to provide for the civil defense needs of your children.
Civil Defense — Children Need Clean Water
Water, of course, is essential to life and essential to children, especially for civil defense. Storing that water so that it is available when needed is even more essential. WaterBrick International offers a storage medium that is durable, clean, safe, portable and designed to be conveniently stacked. Each has a handle for easy use and transport and a spigot for drinking and practicing good hygiene. They can be frozen to extend the life of food or medicine in an emergency, and you can drink the fresh water when they melt. WaterBricks can also be used to store food, to build furniture and shelter, and as sandbags.
Educating Children about Civil Defense
It is up to parents (and grandparents) to know civil defense and to educate their children. The media, government, and schools are not going to do it.
But you can.
Find Fun Events like a Civil Defense Expo
Remember to keep it fun. For example, practice an emergency evacuation as a game. For the wee ones, this will be easy. For the bigger ones, it is more of a challenge, but it can be done.
One great event to do with your children or grandchildren is to take them to a civil defense expo in your community. It is usually called an Emergency Preparedness Expo. Most present police and fire, emergency medical services, public safety electric companies, and standing emergency management (civil defense) displays.
Many of the activities are directed at children. There are other such civil defense related activities, such as an open house at a fire station (ours features toy trains at Christmas). Keep your eyes open and you will find such civil defense related events to which you can take your children or grandchildren.
Find the civil defense and emergency management apps that apply to your area. For example, the Department of Public Safety in Carroll County, MD offers a Prepare Me Carroll app.
It enables residents to access emergency information, alerts and preparedness guidance on the go. Download the app to all your children’s phones and then make a game of guessing how to find information.
Some of the items featured in this app include emergency alerts, local weather and power outages, storm related closures, social media, traffic updates, Emergency Management contact information, preparedness guidance and an interactive emergency kit checklist. Use your imagination and keep it fun. They will learn how to use it as a game and know how to use it in an emergency.
For starters, read The Provident Prepper and the Civil Defense Book noted above. Both will provide practical steps to get your family ready for emergencies that are certain to happen.
Use Internet Resources
Use search engines on the Internet (such as and X) for browsing are useful) to find additional civil defense resources and learning tools. Be aware that civil defense concepts, strategies, supplies and information may be found under emergency management, survival, prepping or other search terms more popular than civil defense.
YouTube has thousands of civil defense and emergency preparedness videos.
As with anything on the Internet, you must be careful to discern what is good material. For example, when I just searched under emergency preparedness, Keeping it Dutch in Pryor, OK has an instructional video on Hurricane Florence Category 4 Emergency Preparedness!?! How Do You Save the Farm Animals?
There is much livestock in the areas where Florida hurricanes strike. Above is a useful video for preparing for such events.
Use the TACDA Website
The TACDA website has a very useful series of topics under the TACDA Academy tab. (Psychology of Civil Defense, Nuclear Weapons Effects, All Hazard Sheltering, Chemical/Biological Warfare, EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) thumb drive, Power Failure, Radiation, Natural Disasters, Food Storage, Water Purification, Sanitation, Cold Weather Survival, Evaluation and 72-Hour Kits, Communications, Alternative Energy and Fuel, Medical Preparedness, Triage and First Response, and Post Event Survival). All of these courses may be downloaded as a PDF so you may study them at your leisure.
Why Civil Defense for Children Matters
Disasters and emergencies happen every day. They are especially hard on children.
Ask yourself: Are you prepared to keep your children safe, fed, sheltered, healthy, and medically treated when the next civil defense emergency strikes your family?
Start by using the information in this American Tactical Civil Defense Substack and you will be.
Learn civil defense and teach it to your children. For background, here is a good article about civil defense in Bismark, ND in 1961.
For an American view of the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of British children from London in 1939 (Civil Defense Measures for the Protection of Children: Report of Observations in Great Britain, February, 1941) see here.
The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management has an excellent page about Prepared communities start with prepared kids.
Find a few simple necessary civil defense supplies (like potassium iodate) at the American Civil Defense store here. Read how civil defense still has supporters here.
We teach children from when they can begin to understand subjects to help them have a long, healthy, and prosperous life. Yet the subject of civil defense, essential to those goals, is completely neglected by public, private and home schools every day. This Substack seeks to help fill that gap for parents (and grandparents) in some of the core areas of civil defense so you may teach your children and grandchildren those skills.
Greater exploration of the topics of civil defense may be explored by visiting the websites or reading the books suggested here.
Brief Definition of Civil Defense
Civil defense as used here includes all the tasks taken to ensure the safety of citizens from attack (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) as well as from the negative impacts of natural disasters.
At the very core of civil defense is the protection of children. In the United States, it is mostly done by unpaid volunteers in support of front-line emergency personnel with oversight by the government. For background, see the World War Museum and the Titan Missile Museum websites.
Civil Defense History: WWII to Today
Civil defense for children has been practiced from the beginning of time. From the end of World War II through the 1950’s and 1960’s, the emphasis was on training children on how to “duck and cover” or find shelter from incoming nuclear weapons.
There was also an emphasis on building shelters, often in the basement or backyard. Fallout shelters were built because nuclear war at the time were a good possibility and they were one way to reduce the loss of life should the unthinkable happen. For the Duck and Cover film that was widely shown to children in the 1950’s and 1960’s, see:
For fallout shelter videos, see: History Brief: For Family Fallout Shelters, see the History Brief at:
Today there are many YouTube videos mocking these videos, viewing them as laughable because the nuclear war they prepared for never happened or the shelters and supplies gathered were never going to save anyone.
I disagree.
Given the international tensions at the time and how close we came to nuclear war (I know a Marine who was in Guantanamo Bay and another who was in Florida ready to deploy during the Cuban Missile Crisis…both assure me we were one call away from a nuclear war at that time), those preparations were prudent then and they are prudent now.
Moreover, preparing to live by preparing to deal with known contingencies (civil defense) has been essential to human survival for thousands of years.
And before laughing too hard, consider that citizens then knew the threats and took measures to prepare to meet and overcome them. How many citizens can say the same today? Witness the panic buying as hurricanes approach Florida.
To understand civil defense, study history. Study the bible. Thereby, know the past to prepare for the future.