With the alleged return of the Wuhan flu and its variants, it is critical to use natural solutions to mitigate its spread: namely, hydrogen peroxide and goat milk soap. Maybe a safety kit and thermometer, too.
Hydrogen peroxides many positives make it a Gift from God (see below). It kills viruses, germs, and bacteria. But at under a dollar a bottle, not much profit in it. So, it is rarely mentioned.
The fat in soap is also a Gift from God as it kills viruses, germs, and bacteria as well. Goat milk soap has the highest fat content. Use it.
f you want to build a safety kit to be ready for the re-spread of the latest variant of the Wuhan flu to your area, build a kit that emphasizes prevention, gargle with hydrogen peroxide every time you brush your teeth, and wash with goat milk soap.
And purchase a real wearable barrier to keep the air borne droplets from landing on you or breathing them in. North American Rescue (Products With A Mission) has excellent, tested and proven products that provide a barrier between your system and the air borne virus. Visit their website for barrier products that work. Here is one: Biological Personal Protection Kit.
You have seen everyone in China and other backwards countries using bleach to disinfect. That is not always safe or effective. It’s kind of like the surgical safety masks they are all wearing. They are better than nothing, of course, but they are not 100% effective.
Instead, purchase and store bottles of hydrogen peroxide. It is a safe, inexpensive and effective disinfectant and antiseptic. And it has multiple prevention uses.
The great advantage of iodine antiseptics is their wide scope of antimicrobial activity, killing all principal pathogens and given enough time, even spores, which are considered to be the most difficult form of microorganisms to be inactivated by disinfectants and antiseptics.
I learned the wonder of hydrogen peroxide working on an anthrax project in 2002 to clean out anthrax spores in post offices where they had been released.
A British company charged our government an enormous amount of money for a secret cleaning formula that was mostly, yes, hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide has so many uses to fight viruses, germs, and bacteria. For example, when you return from the grocery store with fruits and vegetables that someone who is infected has been near and breathed on, wash them in hydrogen peroxide when you get home to mitigate the risk of that microbe getting into your system. Also, be sure to clean your shopping bags with it in which you brought home the fruit and vegetables for added cleanliness.
Hydrogen peroxide has so many uses in preventing viruses, germs and bacteria. Below are a few from 50+ nifty uses for hydrogen peroxide for your home, garden, and body.
Hydrogen peroxide can work wonders on soothing a sore throat. There are a couple ways you can do it. You can either gargle a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and warm, boiled water, or you can dip a depression stick in 3% peroxide and coat your tonsils.
We all know (unfortunately) that there is no cure for the common cold. However, the symptoms can be managed and shortened with the use of hydrogen peroxide. Create a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, salt, and baking soda then rub inside nasal passages – it will help draw out any infections and kill bacteria.
Did you know hydrogen peroxide can help extend the life of your fruits and vegetables? Fill your kitchen sink with water and add a quarter cup of food grade hydrogen peroxide. Soak your produce for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry. You’ll be amazed how much longer it stays fresh.
Makeup brushes can become a breeding ground for bacteria – thankfully, they’re very easy to clean. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with water and soak your brushes for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse the brushes with water then let them dry. Do this once a week for clean, bacteria-free brushes.”
Cleaning with bleach is effective, but not really safe. Hydrogen peroxide is just as effective, but safe. Think of it this way. Would you rather clean your children’s toys in a solution of bleach or hydrogen peroxide?
So, with a good barrier such as the Biological Personal Protection Kit and hydrogen peroxide, you are better prepared the natural way.
The American National Disaster Medical System is stress tested yearly. It will experience an actual test this year. I have every confidence they will succeed.
Also, ultraviolet (UV) germicidal lamps, or florescent germicidal black lamps, are a measure you can take to disinfect. Source
And Purchase a Good Thermometer!
With a thermometer, you can monitor your temperature to see if you have a fever. If you have a mild cold or flu, you do not need to go to the hospital.
Call your doctor or your nurse and tell them about your symptoms. You do not need to overwhelm emergency rooms if you notice you have a fever.
In addition, if you are healthy, if you sit in an emergency room for hours you could pick up viruses, germs, and bacteria. With a thermometer, you can take your own temperature and call a nurse or doctor for guidance.
The primary steps to prevent any flu, including the Wuhan flu, are widely known:
Frequent hand washing
Keeping hands away from your nose or mouth
Maintaining a safe distance from others
Avoiding crowds
I wrote a Civil Defense Strategy for Dealing with the Wuhan Coronavirus post on my Subscribestar account back in February 2020. Surprised how much still applies.
One experts’ opinion of what to do, see: Source
Water is essential to life. Safe water storage is a cardinal rule of civil defense. For safe water storage, use WaterBricks, see: Source
For excellent medical kits, see: Source
For background from the "Spanish" flu, see: Source The second wave gets you.
Three Seconds to Midnight. Source
Scott and Naval have some great tips. Source
Preparedness Tips for the Elderly Source
Time to prepare is now. Source
"The best estimates now of the overall mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.1% and 1%," Adm. Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS, says. "That's lower than you heard probably in many reports ... it's not likely in the range of 2 to 3%" Source.
Why Hand Washing Prevents Wuhan Coronavirus
Palli Thordarson, a chemistry professor at the University of New South Wales, explains why soap is so effective against the Wuhan Coronavirus. Source
Please read his entire thread below.
Here is his Twitter feed from which I abstracted his knowledge.
We are told every day to wash our hands to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus or any flu. We are never told why. Here is why.
My deep gratitude to Professor Thordarson for explaining why we need to wash our hands religiously to get past this current pandemic flu.
The Spanish Flu lasted 13 weeks in 1918. We'll see how long this one lasts.
Mar 8th 2020, 41 tweets, 9 min read
1/25 Part 1 - Why does soap work so well on the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus and indeed most viruses? Because it is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer. A two part thread about soap, viruses and supramolecular chemistry #COVID19
2/25 The soap dissolves the fat membrane, and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and "dies", or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren’t really alive. Viruses can be active outside the body for hours, even days.
3/25 Disinfectants, or liquids, wipes, gels and creams containing alcohol (and soap) have a similar effect but are not really quite as good as normal soap. Apart from the alcohol and soap, the “antibacterial agents” in these products don't affect the virus structure much at all.
4/25 Consequently, many antibacterial products are basically just an expensive version of soap in terms of how they act on viruses. Soap is the best but alcohol wipes are good when soap is not practical or handy (e.g. office receptions).
5/25 But why exactly is soap so good? To explain that I will take you through a bit of a journey through supramolecular #chemistry, nanoscience and virology. I try to explain this in generic terms as much as possible, which means leaving some specialist chemistry terms out.
6/25 I point out to that while I am expert in supramolecular chemistry and the assembly of nanoparticles, I am not a virologist. The image with the first tweet is from an excellent post here which is dense with good virology info:
SARS-CoV-2 and the lessons we have to learn from it.At this moment the media is covering SARS-CoV-2 in breathless tones- and somehow, key points about this discussion are being missed. If you are looking at this pandemic and thinking that the…https://medium.com/@edwardnirenberg/sars-cov-2-and-the-lessons-we-have-to-learn-from-it-e2017fd5d3c
7/25 I have always been fascinated by viruses as I see them as one of them most spectacular examples of how supramolecular chemistry and nanoscience can converge. Most viruses consist of three key building blocks: RNA, proteins and lipids.
8/25 The RNA is the viral genetic material -it is very similar to DNA. The proteins have several roles including breaking into the target cell, assist with virus replication and basically to be a key building block (like a brick in a house) in the whole virus structure.
9/25 The lipids then form a coat around the virus, both for protection and to assist with its spread and cellular invasion. The RNA, proteins and lipids self-assemble to form the virus. Critically, there are no strong “covalent” bonds holding these units together.
10/25 Instead the viral self-assembly is based on weak “non-covalent” interactions between the proteins, RNA and lipids. These acts together like a Velcro, so it is very hard to break up the self-assembled viral particle. Still, we can do it (e.g., with soap!).
11/25 Most viruses, including the coronavirus, are between 50-200 nanometers – so they are truly nanoparticles. Nanoparticles have complex interactions with surfaces they are on. Same with viruses. Skin, steel, timber, fabric, paint and porcelain are very different surfaces.
12/25 When a virus invades a cell, the RNA “hijacks” the cellular machinery like a computer virus (!) and forces the cell to start to make a lot of fresh copies of its own RNA and the various proteins that make up the virus.
13/25 These new RNA and protein molecules, self-assemble with lipids (usually readily present in the cell) to form new copies of the virus. That is, the virus does not photocopy itself, it makes copies of the building blocks which then self-assemble into new viruses!
14/25 All those new viruses eventually overwhelm the cell, and it dies/explodes releasing viruses which then go on to infect more cells. In the lungs, some of these viruses end up in the airways and the mucous membranes surrounding these.
15/25 When you cough, or especially when you sneeze, tiny droplets from the airways can fly up to 10 meters (30 ft)! The larger ones are thought to be main coronavirus carriers and they can go at least 2 m (7 ft). Thus – cover your coughs & sneezes people!
16/25 These tiny droplets end on surfaces and often dry out quickly. But the viruses are still active! What happens next is all about supramolecular chemistry and how self-assembled nanoparticles (like the viruses) interact with their environment!
17/25 Now it is time to introduce a powerful supramolecular chemistry concept that effectively says: similar molecules appear to interact more strongly with each other than dissimilar ones. Wood, fabric and not to mention skin interact fairly strongly with viruses.
18/25 Contrast this with steel, porcelain and at least some plastics, e.g., Teflon. The surface structure also matter – the flatter the surface the less the virus will “stick” to the surface. Rougher surfaces can actually pull the virus apart.
19/25 So why are surfaces different? The virus is held together by a combination of hydrogen bonds (like those in water) and what we call hydrophilic or “fat-like” interactions. The surface of fibers or wood for instance can form a lot of hydrogen bonds with the virus.
20/25 In contrast steel, porcelain or Teflon do not form a lot of hydrogen bond with the virus. So, the virus is not strongly bound to these surfaces. The virus is quite stable on these surfaces whereas it doesn’t stay active for as long on say fabric or wood.
21/25 For how long does the virus stay active? It depends. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is thought to stay active on favorable surfaces for hours, possibly a day. Moisture (“dissolves”), sun light (UV light) and heat (molecular motions) all make the virus less stable.
22/25 The skin is an ideal surface for a virus! It is “organic” and the proteins and fatty acids in the dead cells on the surface interact with the virus through both hydrogen bonds and the “fat-like” hydrophilic interactions.
23/25 So when you touch say a steel surface with a virus particle on it, it will stick to your skin and hence get transferred onto your hands. But you are not (yet) infected. If you touch your face though, the virus can get transferred from your hands and on to your face.
24/25 And now the virus is dangerously close to the airways and the mucus type membranes in and around your mouth and eyes. So the virus can get in…and voila! You are infected (that is, unless your immune system kills the virus).
25/25 If the virus is on your hands, you can pass it on by shaking someone’s else hand. Kisses, well, that's pretty obvious…It comes without saying that if someone sneezes right in your face you are kind of stuffed. Part 2 about soap coming next (25 post limit reached)!
26/39 Part 2 about soap, supramolecular chemistry and viruses. So how often do you touch your face? It turns out most people touch the face once every 2-5 minutes! Yeah, so you at high risk once the virus gets on your hands unless you can wash the active virus off.
27/39 So let’s try washing it off with plain water. It might just work. But water “only” competes with the strong “glue-like” interactions between the skin and virus via hydrogen bonds. They virus is quite sticky and may not budge. Water isn’t enough.
28/39 Soapy water is totally different. Soap contains fat-like substances knowns as amphiphiles, some structurally very similar to the lipids in the virus membrane. The soap molecules “compete” with the lipids in the virus membrane.
29/39 The soap molecules also compete with a lot of other non-covalent bonds that help the proteins, RNA and the lipids to stick together. The soap is effectively “dissolving” the glue that holds the virus together. Add to that all the water.
30/39 The soap also outcompetes the interactions between the virus and the skin surface. Soon the viruses get detached and fall apart like a house of cards due to the combined action of the soap and water. The virus is gone!
31/39 The skin is quite rough and wrinkly which is why you do need a fair amount of rubbing and soaking to ensure the soap reaches very crook and nanny on the skin surface that could be hiding active viruses.
32/39 Alcohol based products, which pretty includes all “disinfectants” and “antibacterial” products contain a high-% alcohol solution, typically 60-80% ethanol, sometimes with a bit of isopropanol as well and then water + a bit of a soap.
33/39 Ethanol and other alcohols do not only readily form hydrogen bonds with the virus material but as a solvent, are more lipophilic than water. Hence alcohol do also dissolve the lipid membrane and disrupt other supramolecular interactions in the virus.
34/39 However, you need a fairly high concentration (maybe +60%) of the alcohol to get a rapid dissolution of the virus. Vodka or whiskey (usually 40% ethanol) will not dissolve the virus as quickly. Overall alcohol is not quite as good as soap at this task.
35/39 Nearly all antibacterial products contain alcohol and some soap and this does help killing viruses. But some also include “active” bacterial killing agents, like triclosan. Those, however, do basically nothing to the virus!
36/39 To sum up, viruses are almost like little grease-nanoparticles. They can stay active for many hours on surfaces and then get picked up by touch. They then get to our face and infect us because most of us touch the face quite frequently.
37/39 Water is not very effective alone in washing the virus off our hands. Alcohol based product work better. But nothing beats soap – the virus detaches from the skin and falls apart very readily in soapy water.
38/39 Here you have it – supramolecular chemistry and nanoscience tell us not only a lot about how the virus self-assembled into a functional active menace, but also how we can beat viruses with something as simple as soap.
39/39 Thank you for reading my first thread. Apologies for any mistakes in the above. I might have some virology details wrong here as I am not a virologist unlike @MackayIM who I am a big fan of! But I hope this inspires you not only to use soap but to read up on chemistry!
@thereadreaderapp unroll
Wow! That took of quickly. Thanks! I should mention that this thread is based on a Facebook post I did in Icelandic yesterday. That one took off too with +1K shares already but Iceland had a very rapid rise in COVID-19 cases the past week or so.
Sound Familiar? “Containing the Virus- As in 1918, we lack a vaccine or wonder drugs, but must rely on non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), and on public health authorities to track and try to contain the spread of infection.
Accurate information is critical. Can we trust governmental authorities to tell the truth? Travel restrictions, quarantine, closing businesses, and cancelling public events have a huge economic and potential political cost.
There can also be incentives to exaggerate the threat, in order to sell poorly tested vaccines or drugs. The 1976 swine flu epidemic was almost a non-event; more people were probably injured or even died from adverse effects of the heavily promoted vaccine.”