God's Good Nature, Food, and Civil Defense
City Folks Depend on Rural Folks to Eat and CCP Plans for American Agriculture
NOTE:: Military age Chinese troops are crossing the Southern U.S. border. Here is proof. For a full analysis of the extent of the CCP/PLA unrestricted warfare to bring down the Unites States, visit: How Bad are Things Really.
Cities are mostly made up of concrete, asphalt, brick, steel, and chemical compounds. Nature is rarely on display.
When I grew up in West Oak Lane, Philadelphia, I saw how disconnected city folks are from nature. Even in Philadelphia, where the marvelous Wissahickon Valley Park provides the wonders of nature on a scale unknown in most American cities, people in that city rarely interact with nature.
I have lived in many cities, like Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and Paris, France, and witnessed the disconnect most city folks have with the reality of nature, including the raising and preservation of food. Many city folks have no idea God is in charge, controls nature, and determines what food we grow, preserve, and eat. As proof, look at their mass psychosis with the false science of “climate change.”
In rural areas, in contrast, nature dominates life everywhere. Fields of corn, wheat, vegetables, fruits, livestock, and all the food necessary to sustain life grows and is raised in abundance. Rural folks raise so much food they send it to city folks to sustain them.
Rural folks know that God is in charge. God’s rain must fall to water the crops that grow to provide food. God’s rich soil is life. Hard work creates crops, livestock meat, fruit, and foodstuffs that enable Americans the luxury of three meals a day.
In cities, the food magically appears in groceries, big box stores, Wal Mart, convenience stores, general stores, corner markets, and other places. Everyday. This abundance of food is a HUGE miracle they take for granted. So much so, that 68% of Americans are now obese, while 43% are medically obese. This is a serious civil defense issue, for how can we protect and defend the U.S. if the majority of Americans are obese?
This American obesity is a serious national security and civil defense issue. The American military, in addition to so many other issues, has an obese pool of American youth to draw from to fill its ranks. This is a serious issue. Obesity rates have soared in 2023, tripling in 60 years, placing nearly 70% of all U.S adults in the overweight or obese category.
When I was growing up, maybe 1 in 60 American youth were medically obese. Now, it is 1 in 4. This is an issue that must be changed if we are to survive into the future. And that can only change if American young eat healthy, nutritious food right off the rural farm. As a rule of thumb, if it is from the farm, it is healthy. If it is from a factory, it is not healthy. Sadly, 80% of the “food” in “food” stores is loaded with high fructose corn syrup, filler, chemical substitutes, with no nutrition or nourishment.
The recent increase in city folks stating on TikTok from their concrete, non-food growing jungles that they plan to riot, kill, rape, and cause chaos if they do not get their way in the next election is amusing. They got to pull off the 2020 steal, but that is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Remarkably, they are completely unaware that their violence won’t work this time. If they push it, they will learn that the rural people they laugh at as hicks, Hill Billy’s, fly over fools, deplorables, low IQ, etc., actually feed them. If they push it too far with the violence, they may not be able to feed their bellies to have the energy necessary to carry out their violent plans.
So what does nature and food have to do with civil defense?
After life giving clean and pure water, sufficient food supplies are critical to life.
In cities, this is often taken for granted. Few city folks know they may starve starve if that food supply is cut off for three days. All food deliveries are “just in time.” Food is shipped from rural areas, often processed and packaged, and delivered to the food stores, fast food restaurants, and tables in a delicate supply chain ballet that is as sophisticated as it is vulnerable.
Even if most Americans are unaware of famine and what it results in for a nation, history is replete with the many lessons of famine that result in one nation falling and another rising. The Red Chinese know this history.
To wit, many globalists and communists have designs on American rural food growing, including the Communist Chines Party’s officially declared policy. There is a reason Bill Gates is the largest agricultural farm owner in the U.S. There is a reason the Red Chinese have bought hundreds of thousands of acres of American farmland, most of it near American Air Force bases.
For 10,000 years, the emperor of China has been overthrown due to famine. The CCP knows this. They are planning to occupy rural agricultural areas in the United States, Canada, and Australia, to feed their population. In their view, we are to raise their food and buy their products. I kid you not.
Over 10 divisions of CCP People’s Liberation Army have crossed over the U.S. Southern Border. This is not an accident. They see a leaderless, weak, divided U.S. ripe for the picking.
As they have herded their population into cities to better control them, they have mastered technology to keep millions enslaved to retain power. Everything they have learned in the past decades about how to control hundreds of millions to obey they now target toward the U.S. and the West.
The Red Chinese have bribed our current political, Hollywood, academic, business, and religious leaders to bring us under their control. They have a 10,000 year history of successfully undermining their enemies use bribes rather than warfare. Their current success in the United States is only a result of their most recent effort. Americans think in terms of a quarter of a year. The Red Chinese think in terms of centuries.
Unlike so many obese Americans, both the CCP rulers and the average Chinese citizen still remember the famine brought on by Mao’s Cultural Revolution and the destruction of Chinese agriculture. They have systematically, methodically, and meticulously built the One Belt, One Road Initiative to subvert and subjugate the U.S. and the West to ensure they have plenty of food to in the future.
From my window, I see fields of corn and wheat growing abundantly. My prayer is that this rural abundant agriculture from the 1% who farm, ranch, and orchard in rural America continues to feed the other 99% of Americans who do not know how to grow their own food.
And I pray daily that we defeat the evil plans of the CCP to seize our agriculture blessings via deceit, killing, bribery, information dominance, social media ownership, intellectual property and data theft, and the cooperation of Americans who hate American history, tradition, and belief in God.
May God bless the farmers and ranchers of America. May He also give us the wisdom and courage to defeat the evil that is so prevalent today. Amen
You and I are in complete agreement on the ecological divide running through American society and the consequences that holds for our future. Though I will have to disagree with you on the nature of the CCCP's plains. The Chi-com's have zero interest in "controling" the American domestic population. The CCCP higher ups want us all dead, plain and simple, "DEAD". As a point of reference I would bring your attention to the Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian¹. General Chi Haotian in no uncertain terms lays out the genocidal ambition of the communists. If you're interested J.R. Nyquist did a nice write up on there long range strategy².
¹: jrnyquist.blog/2019/09/11/the-secret-speech-of-general-chi-haotian/
²: jrnyquist.blog/2020/03/26/the-sino-soviet-long-range-strategy-from-sputnik-to-world-war-iii/