Civil Defense Lessons of the Texas Valentine's Day Deep Freeze
And PTSI Lessons Learned Post Trauma
NOTE: I first wrote this analysis about the Texas Valentine's Day Deep Freeze manmade natural disaster on February 15, 2021 on my old civil defense blog. The lessons it offers are even more relevant today.
Natural disasters, and manmade natural disasters especially, teach us the importance of the art of civil defense to teaches us, once again, the importance for Americans to stockpile water, food, medical supplies, survival gear, and prayers.
Manmade Natural Disasters are Everywhere
The Texas Deep Freeze is an excellent example of how it became a more serious catastrophe due to a manmade disaster making a natural disaster a horrific experience for millions of Texans starting on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2021.
It also teaches you that you and your family are on their own. The corporate media and White House barely covered it. Senator Cruz went to Cancun, Mexico to party with his college age daughters.
That should tell you all you need to know about who you can count in in a manmade natural disaster. For good tips for how to survive extreme cold weather, see here.
Even when I taught at the Emergency Management Institute back in the 1980's, the division of disasters into two categories, manmade and natural, struck me as odd as most disasters combine elements of manmade and natural disasters and we must train accordingly.
Rather than exchanging the love of St. Valentine that day, they were the victims of Communist Chinese Party Climate Change Organizations (CCPCCO's) and their federal and Texas government allies.
Before you think this has nothing to do with you or your family, know that this pattern of spending billions of your tax dollars on solar and wind turbine energy sources rather than nuclear, oil, and gas energy sources is also grinding ahead in your state and neighborhood and ruining the energy grid. Just look at California.
For decades, the CCPCCO's have worked methodically to gain control over the federal and state agencies that control energy. They are experts at putting their ideology in place in the decision making process and the automatic payments of federal, state, and local tax money in an effort to eliminate nuclear and fossil fuel sources of energy and to favor solar and wind turbines.
Why is this dangerous?
Look at the Texas Valentine's Day energy source massacre.
Millions of American citizens (children, grandchildren, grandfather's and grandmothers, the disabled, the meek, the poor and everyone else) were left freezing in the cold. They quickly exhausted their basic survival resources: water, food and medicine.
As a Christian, I cannot abide this kind of evil, even if the corporate media is complicit in this evil by their silence and their silencing of accurate information and analysis that will help the American people deal with this Deep Freeze and other manmade natural disasters.
What PTSI Vets Can Teach Us about How to Handle Manmade Natural Disasters
Manmade natural disasters like the Texas Valentine’s Day Deep Freeze can result in Post Trauma Delayed Stress Injury (PTSI). Unfortunately, it is not always visible...but it's end in suicide is.
Please never use the term Post Trauma Delayed Stress Disorder (PTSD) to describe this condition. It is not a disorder. It is an injury. This is a critical difference to know if you ever deal with anyone who has it from combat in war, rape, or as the victim of pedophiles or criminal predators. Here is why.
A disorder assumes the person who has it is responsible for the disorder. An injury is outside the control of the person who has it. You recover from an injury. You have a very difficult life if you have a disorder.
The great NSA analyst, author, and patriot Tom Glenn explains it better than I can.
"I mentioned in an earlier post that I suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress. I’ve been pushing as hard as I can to change the nomenclature from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to Post-Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI). My point is that the disease is not an internal system gone awry but an externally inflicted wound. The “disorder” label reinforces the notion that strong and brave men don’t suffer from it; only the weak and cowardly do. I find a strong strain among the military who dismiss PTSI as cowardice. It’s obvious to me that it is as much a wound (Ron Capps calls it a wound to the soul) as any physical laceration. The difference is, it never heals."
I say this from experience, my own, and the many Vets I have worked with over the years.
When I was in my Thirties, I had a friend who had fought in Vietnam. He was having trouble making the transition from military to civilian life. When I met him, he was writing down numbers of radio's for a telecommunications a storage closet.
One day I heard him speaking Vietnamese on the phone, then French, then Russian. I asked him where he learned those languages.
He answered, "When I was in the Special Forces."
My interest was peaked. "What was your job before here?"
"I worked in the White House Communications Office" he replied.
"Why are you writing down numbers when you have so much experience?" I had to ask.
"Because I can't write a resume. I keep getting rejections because I don't seem to be able to write one the civilian employers like."
"Maybe I can help" I volunteered. "I'm a writer and I can take a whack at it."
"Sure, Dude, knock yourself out."
He gave me his resume and I knew why he was not getting any call backs or replies. Everything was still in military speak. I joked with him and asked if he wore his standard issue white sox when he went to interviews.
I interviewed him about his skill stack, rewrote his resume to be contemporary and reflect his remarkable skill stack, high IQ, adaptability, deep knowledge of humans, multiple language skills, leadership experience, etc.
He got a new job at three times the salary in just one month.
Since that time, I have written many resumes for many Vets. Many of them have PTSI. They also have remarkable, God-given, skills, resilience, leadership ability, high IQ, emotional maturity, good listening and story telling skills, maturity, adaptability...and most are devout Christians as they have had their brush with immortality and want to be ready for the next time if they check out.
What does this have to do with the Americans in Texas in the Valentine's Day Deep Freeze massacre?
Most of them do not know it, in varying degrees, they all have PTSI from that experience. Their leadership failed them. Their government failed them. Their religious leaders failed them. For some, their loved ones failed them. In a real if different way, they are experiencing what the Vietnam Vets I have worked with over the years experienced when they came home from that terrible war.
My PTSI Story
Raising a house ladder while painting a house in Ambler, PA at 15, an arc of electricity jumped out and grabbed the ladder. I felt the electricity burn my hands as I was holding the rope to raise it. "Man, did you guys feel that?" I asked.
A young 19-year old football athlete, Jimmy, holding one side of the ladder and the older black owner of the painting company that I worked for at the time, Andy, held either side as the electrical current shot through their brains, hearts, and bodies.
All I heard in response was BUZZING and BANGING. So much electricity was being conducted through them and the ladder that their bodies and the ladder were being bounced off the concrete.
I saw blood and spittle pouring out of their mouths, the whites of their eyes as the they were rolled back into their heads, saw the electricity exiting in bright flashes out of their hands and feet, and looked down to see half of Andy's feet melted into the sidewalk.
"LET GO!!! LET GO, ANDY!!! LET GO, JIMMY!!!" I screamed, not realizing that they could not hear a word I was screaming in hopes of saving their lives. My brother was painting the back of the house. He heard the noise and me screaming and came out front. Thinking quickly, he grabbed a painters quilt off Andy's truck and threw it at them.
They continued to burn and bounce off the concrete as they were live conductors of the electrical current exiting the live Philadelphia Electric Company power line through their mostly water bodies.
Eventually, Jimmy collapsed onto the concrete to my right. The ladder then fell onto his leg. Andy collapsed next and kept repeating, "Oh, Lord, what happened? Oh, Lord, don't let me die."
Jimmy died of heart attack the second the electricity shot through him. Andy had his feet burned off, but he was breathing and saying, "Oh, Lord, what happened? Oh, Lord, don't let me die."
I witnessed this event in Ambler, PA . Philadelphia Electric Company had a troubleshooter at the grisly scene half an hour before the Ambler Fire Company, only three blocks away, arrived. They knew from their corporate monitoring of power lines they were losing an unusual amount of juice unexpectedly from that line.
Although I have never been in combat, I can tell you that burning flesh has a unique odor that you never forget. The scent goes deep into your olfactory centers, hits your brain immediately, and makes you want to vomit. I know because I experienced that sensation that day.
So, although I cannot ever relate to what combat is like, I can relate to what burning human flesh smells like. It is one more reason I love Vets and will do anything to keep them alive.
I just stopped and talked to a Marine Afghanistan Vet who lives under the railroad bridge with a dozen other Vets in Martinsburg, WV last week. We talked and laughed for an hour in the hot sun next to his “Homes Vet. God Bless You” cardboard sign. He would not let me take him to the Social Security office to get a new Social Security Card he said burned up in the fire under the bridge in their encampment 4 months ago. He would not let me take him the VA hospital to talk to a counselor. So, I gave him $40 and said we would talk again as he stands on a corner I pass on the way to the gym everyday.
I can also understand repressed memory because I repressed my electrical power line accident for 10 years to be able to function each day.
To survive, I buried that memory and the next year was awarded a loan and scholarship to attend the University of Pennsylvania. When I graduated from Penn in 1977, there were no jobs in Philadelphia and we were in the midst of a major recession.
What I did not now then, what I do know now (thanks to USAF retired Lieutenant General Rob Spaulding) is that American and international corporations had pulled their money, factories and jobs out of Philadelphia and the American industrial heartland and transferred them to China. Result? No jobs for Americans like me.
As my parents stated very clearly to me the third night I returned from Penn, "We can't afford to support you so you need to find a job fast" I knew I had to rally and find work, any work.
Fortunately, the next day I was offered a job for a management consulting company with a contract with the Economic Development Administration (EDA). I travelled to areas impacted by the globalist/CCP devastation of our nation, saw up close the decline in housing prices and jobs in Bisbee Arizona, Dalton Georgia, Grants-Milan New Mexico, Minot North Dakota and other American cities, and wrote reports about the economic impact on them. I did now realize at the time the EDA was softening the impact of the transfer of manufacturing to Red China.
Eventually, I met a woman who was getting an MBA and law degree. We fell in love, talked of marriage, and had a long distance relationship for three years. It ended horribly and in a timeless tradition for men, I went into the United States Air Force to get over her, because I loved this nation, and because my MIA Uncle Frank J. Curley was my hero.
I excelled at the USAF Officer Training School (OTS). Then when home between OTS and my first AWACS training, a Philadelphia lawyer showed up at my mother's front door. She told me: "I've kept him away for years, Bruce. He came when you were a student in Paris. But he is here now and I think you have to talk to him or he will subpoena you because the trial starts tomorrow in Norristown."
Philadelphia lawyers have the reputation for being bright, tough, legally gifted, and ruthless while pretending to be your friend. This Philadelphia Electric Company lawyer was all that and then some.
He produced photos of the accident, huge photos, and kept insisting that I was wrong when I said we never hit the wire that day but argued, forcefully, that we touched the wire and caused the death of Jimmy and the dismemberment of Andy.
After two hours of his badgering in my mother's kitchen, I said matter-of-factly, "Sir, you can give your version, but you were not there. I was the only witness. I made sure we were at least six to nine feet from that power line. I was never comfortable with the aluminum ladders Andy used and always insisted we stay far from any power lines as we raised it. I was on the grass behind the bush that separated me from them. They were away from the power lines when I pulled that rope. It was an extremely humid day and the power jumped from that line to the ladder. That is what I will testify tomorrow no matter how many times you rephrase your line of questioning to get me to change my story."
The next day I dressed in my Air Force blues and was walking out the door to drive to Norristown to testify in an hour when the phone rang.
"It's for you" my Mom said. "Lieutenant Curley, the trial was called off and we will settle with the parties. [I was not one of the parties as I did not sue. I was just glad to have survived and wanted no money.] You no longer have to be a witness."
It was over for Philadelphia Electric and the Philadelphia lawyers. They moved on to the next lawsuit. I, however, due to the photos and lawyers grilling, had memories revived I had suppressed for 10 years. My bad luck it was between OTS and AWACS training when the photos triggered memories, but more importantly, sights, sounds, tastes, scents, feelings, and tactile sensations I had, or thought I had, buried a decade ago.
Result? When I returned to training, I froze for several minutes in the training room when I heard a buzzing coming from the power lines in the room. It was noted, and several months later after appearing before a USAF medical advisory board (MAB), they separated me with a 10% disability rating after I said I wanted nothing. They originally offered me a 30% disability rating but when I argued I did not want the stigma of a disability rating when searching for employment, the MAB reduced it to 10%.
It took me years to recover from the pain of that event. Eventually, I learned what every Vet with less than a sterling performance has to only repair, move on and contribute by helping other Vets in their pain. My way has been to write resumes for many Vets over the years and to counsel suicidal Vets.
In the course of their describing their qualifications for their resumes, often it triggers other memories...PTSI memories. I share my assaults by gangs when I was little for my paper boy money and by 15 criminals with baseball bats while a crowd of 120 cheered on their attack in Washington, D.C. that resulted in me taking 14 of them down and 56 stitches in my head and face...but I survived.
We talk. I share how I survived and emphasize I am not them but maybe a few things I have learned the hard way may help them. Things like civil defense. So what does this have to do with the Texas Valentine's Day Deep Freeze manmade natural disaster?
Due to the misguided federal and state policy of pushing CCP solar panels and wind turbines, the electric grid of Texas almost experienced total failure. To prevent this, the authorities cut off power to millions of Texans who froze for days without energy.
Many of the people who went through this will experience PTSI on top of the PTSI they have from the CCP virus impacts on them and their families. As with any disaster, they will suffer PTSI symptoms as many do after any disaster. They don't know it yet, but they will. And they need to take steps to get better.
No one gets past PTSI. Instead, you learn to live with it, see it as a gift rather than a curse, and then get busy helping many others get past their their grief.
Here is an example. The beautiful knives, canes, axes and other military gear you see in the photos here are from Creations by Silver Eagle owned by Dave Kline 261 South Sheridan Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702, 570 817 4832, He sells the handicraft of PTSI Vets at gun shows. I met him at the 2021 York, PA gun show.
Once Vets get comfortable with their PTSI and master it's impact on their lives, they are incredibly productive as they tap the resources, resilience and spirit that made them young warriors now that they have an adult's maturity.
My way of helping Vets and my fellow Americans is to master the art of civil defense to help parents and grandparents educate their children and grandchildren how to use it to save their lives and property.
My gift is not your gift. We all have a duty to use our gifts for the safety of our family, employers, friends, church, neighborhood, state, and nation.
Life is good. Live it well. Help others to know that secret.
Texans need help. They have given so much to this country. We must help them.
The first step is for those who went through the Valentine's Day Deep Freeze manmade natural disaster with no help from their federal, state or local governments' (other than the heroic work of the first responders) is to admit that they just went through a massive catastrophic event, bigger than Katrina, that will impact their lives for years to come until they get their energy sources straightened out.
The second step for them is to realize they are on their own. Here are some resources to help them train up themselves and their families. Go to the right side of my civil defense blog and there are hundreds of blog posts to help you as well.
The first step is to promote nuclear, coal, gas and oil as dependable energy sources over wind turbines and solar panels that enrich the CCP while destroying American jobs, families, and the American Dream.
We the People, like the Founding Fathers who gave us our magnificent American Constitution, need to reclaim local control of energy under the guiding principal of subsidiarity, just as we must regain local control of our food supply.