NOTE: Merry Christmas to all who have taken the time to read American Tactical Civil Defense on Substack. I hope you and your family are safer and better prepared for natural and manmade disasters using the information and links found in this free Substack labor of love.
I am especially grateful this Christmas for the incoming Administration, not least of all because those families in North Carolina who lost their homes due to Hurricane Helene who now sleep under tarps on straw due to careeacrats local and federal, will be treated more kindly after January 20th, 2025.
A Small Kindness
My wife packed her homemade applesauce made from her family’s orchard apples along with her homemade granola and had me deliver them to Sam, an 83-year old with medical issues, down the road. He was appreciative, asked me if I loved Jesus, and gave me a box of chocolates for my family.
A small kindness reciprocated by a small kindness, but on such small kindnesses does the future of civilization depend.
A Larger Kindness
The Christmas season is rough for those who do not have family around. Be aware that there are those suffering internally asking why they cannot relate to the external evidence of the approach of the birth of Christ as others do.
Look out for those around you who may just need an encouraging word, or hug, or a deep talk to help them past a fleeting depression.
Writing resumes for special forces Vets over the years, it is remarkable to see them get past the anxiety/depression/suicide ideation/suicide cycle post military life by just creating a resume they can use to get another mission, a civilian one, to replace their prior military mission.
So please be aware of those around you who may need a larger kindness of a deep talk to get past being down for whatever reason.
Picture this Dear Girl
Picture this, My Dear Girl
There’s a poet standing at a bookstore.
He tenderly takes a few copies
Of a poem that he wrote once
And goes over them
But they do not ring true.
Suddenly, they ring hollow
He must make a decision
To live or to die.
But you, Dear Girl,
Are near him
You can help him
With his decision
You can make him live
A full and happy
And meaningful life
Giving and loving
To so many others.
Including the children you will have.
He stares at you now.
What is your decision?
Enjoy Your Family, Friends, and Co-Workers
Try to be especially kind to all those around you this Christmas. Tell them you love them and care about them. It may not be necessary, but it may be critical.
Poetry for Play
Tonight is a night for poetry for play,
of the word well turned in grace
that gently caresses the long neck,
softly lifts the red hair on your head,
opens the fleshy pink folds of your mind,
whispers tenderly to your soul's desire,
and raises, raises, raises and kisses
your expectations with a female understanding
of the worth of tending to the other's wants.
Tonight I will hold you with no abruptness,
take your flesh's warmth and embrace
and merely embrace it back as fiercely,
expect nothing more and demand even less,
bathed in this moment of pink-dawn light
I will supplicate before your spirited ways,
go to the altar of your life and love,
take the communion of your hope
and live up to deceit...
no obstacles to your thoughts or beliefs.
Tonight, the ending of this poem is yours.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!